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FinTech, Virtual Banking &

e-payment Security Forum


12 June 2019     The Executive Centre

The Conference

Full Day of Powerful Talks                         12 June 2019     09:30 am

Financial services contribute 18% of Hong Kong’s GDP and 6% of its employment.  FinTech, which is the application of IT to the provision of financial services, has become a hot topic and number of FinTech start-up has been increasing drastically.


FinTech and Virtual banking enable local banks & service providers to deliver services through internet or e-platform instead of physical branches, which also offer a new customer experience. Many people think that FinTech and Virtual banking matter to banking and FSI industries only. In fact they project lots of business potentials and applications in other industries, SMEs and all walks of life.  


FinTech is not without its challenge and concern, e.g. security, privacy and data protection, we must manage the potential issues for a long-term development. In our event, you can understand what the many opportunities and challenges in FinTech, Virtual banking and e-payment security.

The topics include, but not limited to

FinTech & Virtual banking in FSI & Banking industries

- How FinTech & Virtual banking can open new business beyond the traditional banking?

- How to improve FinTech Security Standard?

- What are the Trends and application of FinTech & Virtual banking in the world?


Digital Payment in Retail/ FMCG industries and Public sectors

- What are the Best Practices in Retails/FMCGs industries and public sectors?

- What are the tips on Security, Privacy & Data Protection?

- What are the Societal impacts and Further Development?

About us

Your Asian GO-TO-MARKET Partner for Blue Ocean in ICT

GTM Asia is a professional PR and event management consultant. We combine creativity and deep logistical capability to develop conference or events that unleash the business potentials and drive business ROIs.  Our capabilities include:

·      Event management

·      Public Relations (PR)

·      Website & Social Media consultancy

Our team is experienced and dynamic with a Strong PR and event management background, plus a deep understanding and industry knowledge to help our clients to develop their businesses. We do our best to exceed the expectation of customers and we value long-term relationship with all our customers and partners!


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